Calling all actors! The summer is for you!Violence in Motion is gearing up for summer, and we have a whole semester worth of classes designed for ACTORS-- including a Tactical Master Class with Steve Wilsher himself!

June 5th- Weapons in Film - For Actors

Our instructors Neil Adams and Julia Porter team up to show us how to handle a variety of weapons used on set. Firearms, knives, hatchets, and Kali bastoni will be featured. Action films here we come!

June 19th- Staff Fighting - For Actors

Jamie Treschak brings us one of the most versatile and beautiful weapons in Western-style Quarter Staff.  Learn how to work in your body and develop connectedness with your weapon. You will be ready for Robin Hood in no time! 

July 3rd- Fighting for Film - For Actors

Neil Adams is back with our most popular class! Learn to adapt fight choreography for the variety of camera angles needed on set. Actors and first-time fighters, this class is for you! 

July 17th- Sword - For Actors

Julia Porter is bringing us the most popular sword in film and theatre, the Rapier! If you've ever wanted to look like Errol Flynn, a Musketeer, or a Pirate in the Caribbean, this class is for you! 

August 14th- Sword and Dagger - For Actors

Jamie Treschak is back to teach us the graceful art of effectively using two weapons simultaneously. Sword and Dagger is a popular weapon combination in theatre and film. 

August 28th- MASTER CLASS Tactical Movement for Actors with Steve Wilsher

Using training props and equipment, Stunt Coordinator and Fight Master of the Academy of Dramatic Combat. Steve Wilsher joins us to instruct on the use of action props and tactical movement. All too often, performers arrive on set with little or no training in how be comfortable and convincing using theatrical firearms. Steve will help us look professional BEFORE arriving on set!***THIS IS A MOVEMENT CLASS, NOT A LIVE-FIRE EXERCISE. NO BLANK AMMUNITION WILL BE USED OR PRESENT DURING THIS CLASS. ONLY TRAINING PROPS WILL BE USED*** All of our summer classes take place at the Toronto Dance Theatre, at 80 Winchester St in Toronto, Ontario.